
[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X       ↑0      P

O       ↑1      X                X

D                X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
Agent0 local: (1, 3), direction: north, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: north, hold: nothing

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X       ←0      P

O       ←1      X                X

D                X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
Agent0 local: (1, 3), direction: west, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: west, hold: nothing
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O       ↑1      X       ←0      P

O                X                X

D                X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
Agent0 local: (1, 3), direction: west, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (1, 1), direction: north, hold: nothing
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O       ↑1      X                P

O                X       ↓0      X

D                X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
Agent0 local: (2, 3), direction: south, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (1, 1), direction: north, hold: nothing
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O       ↓1      X       ↓0      X

D                X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
Agent0 local: (2, 3), direction: south, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: south, hold: nothing
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O       ↓1      X       ←0      X

D                X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
Agent0 local: (2, 3), direction: west, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: south, hold: nothing
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O       →1      X       ←0      X

D                X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
Agent0 local: (2, 3), direction: west, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: east, hold: nothing
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O       →1      X       →0      X

D                X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
Agent0 local: (2, 3), direction: east, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: east, hold: nothing
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O       ←1      X       →0      X

D                X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
Agent0 local: (2, 3), direction: east, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: west, hold: nothing
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O       ←1o     X                X

D                X       ↓0      X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
Agent0 local: (3, 3), direction: south, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: west, hold: onion
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O       →1o     X                X

D                X       ↓0      X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
Agent0 local: (3, 3), direction: south, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: east, hold: onion
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O       →1      Xo      ↑0      X

D                X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
The following coordinates have Onions on the table: (2, 2)

Agent0 local: (2, 3), direction: north, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: east, hold: nothing
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#10 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O       ←1      Xo      ↑0      X

D                X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
The following coordinates have Onions on the table: (2, 2)

Agent0 local: (2, 3), direction: north, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: west, hold: nothing
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#10 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#11 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O       ←1o     Xo               X

D                X       ↓0      X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
The following coordinates have Onions on the table: (2, 1)(2, 2)

Agent0 local: (3, 3), direction: south, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: west, hold: onion
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#10 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#11 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#12 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O                Xo               X

D       ↓1o     X       →0      X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
The following coordinates have Onions on the table: (2, 2)

Agent0 local: (3, 3), direction: east, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (3, 1), direction: south, hold: onion
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#10 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#11 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#12 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#13 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O                Xo               X

D       ←1o     X       →0      X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
The following coordinates have Onions on the table: (2, 2)

Agent0 local: (3, 3), direction: east, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (3, 1), direction: west, hold: onion
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#10 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#11 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#12 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#13 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#14 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O                Xo               X

D       ←1o     X       ↓0      X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
The following coordinates have Onions on the table: (2, 2)

Agent0 local: (3, 3), direction: south, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (3, 1), direction: west, hold: onion
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#10 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#11 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#12 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#13 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#14 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#15 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: NORTH

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O       ↑1o     Xo               X

D                X       →0      X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
The following coordinates have Onions on the table: (2, 1)(2, 2)

Agent0 local: (3, 3), direction: east, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: north, hold: onion
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#10 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#11 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#12 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#13 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#14 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#15 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#16 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: WEST

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O       ←1o     Xo      ↑0      X

D                X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
The following coordinates have Onions on the table: (2, 1)(2, 2)

Agent0 local: (2, 3), direction: north, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: west, hold: onion
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#10 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#11 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#12 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#13 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#14 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#15 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#16 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#17 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: WEST
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: INTERACT

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O       ←1o     Xo      ↑0      X

D                X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
The following coordinates have Onions on the table: (2, 1)(2, 2)

Agent0 local: (2, 3), direction: north, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (2, 1), direction: west, hold: onion
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#10 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#11 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#12 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#13 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#14 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#15 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#16 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#17 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#18 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P       X 

O                X                P

O                Xo      →0      X

D       ↓1o     X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
The following coordinates have Onions on the table: (2, 2)

Agent0 local: (2, 3), direction: east, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (3, 1), direction: south, hold: onion
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#10 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#11 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#12 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#13 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#14 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#15 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#16 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#17 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#18 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#19 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: WEST

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O                Xo               X

D       ←1o     X       ↓0      X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
The following coordinates have Onions on the table: (2, 2)

Agent0 local: (3, 3), direction: south, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (3, 1), direction: west, hold: onion
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#10 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#11 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#12 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#13 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#14 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#15 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#16 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#17 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#18 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#19 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#20 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: WEST
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: INTERACT

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O                Xo               X

D       ←1o     X       ↓0      X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
The following coordinates have Onions on the table: (2, 2)

Agent0 local: (3, 3), direction: south, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (3, 1), direction: west, hold: onion
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#10 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#11 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#12 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#13 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#14 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#15 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#16 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#17 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#18 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#19 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#20 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#21 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X
O                X                P

O                Xo      ↑0      X

D       ←1o     X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
The following coordinates have Onions on the table: (2, 2)

Agent0 local: (2, 3), direction: north, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (3, 1), direction: west, hold: onion
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#10 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#11 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#12 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#13 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#14 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#15 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#16 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#17 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#18 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#19 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#20 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#21 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#22 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST

[Action Options]
1) north, move one step north.
2) south, move one step south.
3) east, move one step east.
4) west, move one step west.
5) stay, do nothing.
6) interact, interact with an object.
[Action Output Instruction]
Think step-by-step about your plan and output your idea, and then output 'EXECUTE
', then give exactly one action per agent, put each on a new line.
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Task Information]
This is overcooked environment. Two agents need to collaborate to cook soup and deliver the cooked soup to the service desk to earn a reward.
Each soup needs 2 onions, pick up 2 onions and put them into the cooking table for cooking,
when the cooking table shows the number of 2, the soup is finished, and you need to take a plate of soup and deliver
it to the service desk, which can get a bowl of soup reward, you need to think and give the actions of two agents, to ensure that
after 30 interactions can get a high enough reward.
[Layout Information]
The size of the room is a 5 × 5 grid, and the overall layout is:
[Character meaning]
The letter X stands for table, P for cooking station, O and o stand for onion, D and d for plates, and S for service desk.
When the onion or dish is on the table or being held by agent, an o or d will be added after its corresponding character.
When the onion is placed on the cooking table, it will be denoted as p{ø, p{øø means that there are two onions on the cooking table.
And when the cooking table cooks the soup, it will show how long it has been cooked, such as p{ø20 means that it has been cooked in 20 time steps.
The numbers 1 and 0 represent the agent, and the direction arrow ↑ ↓ ← → represents the direction the agent is facing.Each object occupies a grid size, and the agent moves one grid distance at a time.
[Current Env state]:
X       X        X       P        X

O                X                P

O                Xo      ↑0      X

D       →1o     X                X

X       X        X       S        X
Cook station local (0, 3) (1, 4), there are 0 onions on it, soup has not yet begun to cook
Onions local: (1, 0) (2, 0)
Dishes local: (3, 0)
Server desk local: (4, 3)
The following coordinates have Onions on the table: (2, 2)

Agent0 local: (2, 3), direction: north, hold: nothing
Agent1 local: (3, 1), direction: east, hold: onion
== Round#0 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#1 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#2 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#3 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#4 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#5 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#6 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#7 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#8 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#9 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Round#10 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#11 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#12 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#13 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#14 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#15 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#16 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: NORTH
== Round#17 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#18 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#19 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
== Round#20 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: WEST
== Round#21 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#22 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
== Round#23 ==
[Chat History]
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Executed Action]
Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
== Current Round ==

Central Planner
NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT