To maximize efficiency, Agent0 should pick up an onion while Agent1 should move towards the other onion. Here's the plan:

Agent0 will move west to reach the onion at (1, 0) and then interact to pick it up.
Agent1 will move north to reach the onion at (2, 0) and then interact to pick it up on the next turn.

NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION north

[Agent0 Response]:
To maximize efficiency, Agent0 should pick up an onion while Agent1 should move towards the other onion. Here's the plan:

Agent0 will move west to reach the onion at (1, 0) and then interact to pick it up.
Agent1 will move north to reach the onion at (2, 0) and then interact to pick it up on the next turn.

NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 2.895!

Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: NORTH
To continue with our plan, Agent0 should wait for Agent1 to deliver the onion to pick it up, and Agent1 should also interact with
the onion to pick it up. After picking up the onions, Agent0 need to move towards the cooking station to place the onions on it for cooking.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will move west.
Agent1 will interact to reach the onion.

NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue with our plan, Agent0 should wait for Agent1 to deliver the onion to pick it up, and Agent1 should also interact with
the onion to pick it up. After picking up the onions, Agent0 need to move towards the cooking station to place the onions on it for cooking.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will move west.
Agent1 will interact to reach the onion.

NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 3.106!

Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
To continue with our plan, both agents need to move towards the cooking station to place the onions on it for cooking. Agent0 is currently facing west and is next to an onion, so Agent0 should interact to pick up the onion. Agent1 need face west to reach the onion.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will interact with the onion at (1, 0) to pick it up.
Agent1 will move west towards the onion.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue with our plan, both agents need to move towards the cooking station to place the onions on it for cooking. Agent0 is currently facing west and is next to an onion, so Agent0 should interact to pick up the onion. Agent1 need face west to reach the onion.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will interact with the onion at (1, 0) to pick it up.
Agent1 will move west towards the onion.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 3.309!

Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
To continue with our plan, Agent0 needs stay to wait for Agent1 to deliver the onion for cooking. Agent1 is currently facing west an onion, so Agent1 should interact to pick it up.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will stay.
Agent1 will interact to pick up an onion.

NAME Agent0 ACTION stay
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue with our plan, Agent0 needs stay to wait for Agent1 to deliver the onion for cooking. Agent1 is currently facing west an onion, so Agent1 should interact to pick it up.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will stay.
Agent1 will interact to pick up an onion.

NAME Agent0 ACTION stay
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 3.176!

Agent0 action: STAY
Agent1 action: INTERACT
To continue with our plan, Agent0 should now pick up the onion that Agent1 will place on the table. Agent1, who has an onion in his hand, should move east to placed it to the table.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will interact with the table to pick up the onion.
Agent1 will move east to place the onion to the table.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue with our plan, Agent0 should now pick up the onion that Agent1 will place on the table. Agent1, who has an onion in his hand, should move east to placed it to the table.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will interact with the table to pick up the onion.
Agent1 will move east to place the onion to the table.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 2.881!

Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
To continue with our plan, Agent0 should place the onion they are holding onto the cooking station to start cooking the soup. Agent1, who is currently holding an onion, should move north to place the onion on the cooking station as well.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will interact with the cooking station to place the onion they are holding.
Agent1 will move north to reach the cooking station and prepare to place the second onion.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue with our plan, Agent0 should place the onion they are holding onto the cooking station to start cooking the soup. Agent1, who is currently holding an onion, should move north to place the onion on the cooking station as well.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will interact with the cooking station to place the onion they are holding.
Agent1 will move north to reach the cooking station and prepare to place the second onion.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 3.131!

Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: INTERACT
To continue with our plan, we need to get another onion on the cooking station to start cooking the soup. Agent1 is already next to an onion and can pick it up. Agent0 is facing the cooking station and can interact to receive the onion from Agent1.

Here's the plan:

Agent1 will move west to pick other onion.
Agent0 will interact with the onion to pick it up.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue with our plan, we need to get another onion on the cooking station to start cooking the soup. Agent1 is already next to an onion and can pick it up. Agent0 is facing the cooking station and can interact to receive the onion from Agent1.

Here's the plan:

Agent1 will move west to pick other onion.
Agent0 will interact with the onion to pick it up.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 3.309!

Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
To progress with our current situation, we need to get the second onion onto the cooking station so we can start cooking the soup. Agent1 is already next to an onion and should pick it up. Agent0 is holding an onion and is next to the cooking station, so Agent0 should place the onion on the cooking station.

Here's the plan:

Agent1 will interact with the onion to pick it up.
Agent0 will move east to face the cooking station.

NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact

[Agent0 Response]:
To progress with our current situation, we need to get the second onion onto the cooking station so we can start cooking the soup. Agent1 is already next to an onion and should pick it up. Agent0 is holding an onion and is next to the cooking station, so Agent0 should place the onion on the cooking station.

Here's the plan:

Agent1 will interact with the onion to pick it up.
Agent0 will move east to face the cooking station.

NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 2.643!

Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
To continue our progress, we need to get the second onion onto the cooking station to start cooking the soup. Agent1 is currently holding an onion and is one step away from the cooking station. Agent0 is also holding an onion and is at the cooking station. Both agents should place their onions on the cooking station.

Here's the plan:

Agent1 will move east to be adjacent to the cooking station.
Agent0 will interact with the cooking station to place the onion they are holding onto it.

NAME Agent1 ACTION east
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue our progress, we need to get the second onion onto the cooking station to start cooking the soup. Agent1 is currently holding an onion and is one step away from the cooking station. Agent0 is also holding an onion and is at the cooking station. Both agents should place their onions on the cooking station.

Here's the plan:

Agent1 will move east to be adjacent to the cooking station.
Agent0 will interact with the cooking station to place the onion they are holding onto it.

NAME Agent1 ACTION east
NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 2.881!

Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: EAST
To continue our progress, Agent1 needs to interact with the cooking station to place the second onion and start the cooking process. Agent0, who is currently at the cooking station with one onion, should move west to wait Agent1.

Here's the plan:

Agent1 will interact with the cooking station to place the onion they are holding onto it, which will start the cooking process.
Agent0 will move west to wait Agent1 to place the second onion.

NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION west

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue our progress, Agent1 needs to interact with the cooking station to place the second onion and start the cooking process. Agent0, who is currently at the cooking station with one onion, should move west to wait Agent1.

Here's the plan:

Agent1 will interact with the cooking station to place the onion they are holding onto it, which will start the cooking process.
Agent0 will move west to wait Agent1 to place the second onion.

NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
NAME Agent0 ACTION west
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 3.106!

Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
To continue our progress, Agent0 should now pick up the onion placed by Agent1. And Agent1 should move south to pick a dish.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 should now pick up the onion.
Agent1 will move south.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue our progress, Agent0 should now pick up the onion placed by Agent1. And Agent1 should move south to pick a dish.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 should now pick up the onion.
Agent1 will move south.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 2.792!

Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
To continue our progress, Agent0 should move east to place the onion he is holding onto the cooking station to start cooking the soup. Agent1 should move south to get a dish.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will move east to place the onion onto the cooking station.
Agent1 will move south to get a dish.

NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue our progress, Agent0 should move east to place the onion he is holding onto the cooking station to start cooking the soup. Agent1 should move south to get a dish.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will move east to place the onion onto the cooking station.
Agent1 will move south to get a dish.

NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 0.003!

Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: SOUTH
To continue our progress, Agent0 should interact with the cooking station to place the onion he is holding, which will start the cooking process for the soup. Meanwhile, Agent1 should move west to pick up a dish to prepare for delivering the soup.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will interact with the cooking station to place the onion.
Agent1 will west to pick up the first dist.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue our progress, Agent0 should interact with the cooking station to place the onion he is holding, which will start the cooking process for the soup. Meanwhile, Agent1 should move west to pick up a dish to prepare for delivering the soup.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will interact with the cooking station to place the onion.
Agent1 will west to pick up the first dist.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 3.309!

Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST
To maximize our efficiency, Agent0 should now interact with the cooking station again to start the cooking process for the soup. Agent1, who is currently facing west and next to a dish, should interact with the dish to pick it up in preparation for serving the soup once it's cooked.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will interact with the cooking station to start cooking the soup.
Agent1 will interact with the dish to pick it up.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact

[Agent0 Response]:
To maximize our efficiency, Agent0 should now interact with the cooking station again to start the cooking process for the soup. Agent1, who is currently facing west and next to a dish, should interact with the dish to pick it up in preparation for serving the soup once it's cooked.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will interact with the cooking station to start cooking the soup.
Agent1 will interact with the dish to pick it up.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 3.131!

Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: INTERACT
To continue our efficient teamwork, Agent0 should wait for the soup to finish cooking, which will take one more step. Meanwhile, Agent1, who is currently holding a plate, should move north to be next to the cooking station and ready to serve the soup once it's done.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will stay in place, waiting for the soup to finish cooking.
Agent1 will move north to position themselves next to the cooking station.

NAME Agent0 ACTION stay
NAME Agent1 ACTION north

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue our efficient teamwork, Agent0 should wait for the soup to finish cooking, which will take one more step. Meanwhile, Agent1, who is currently holding a plate, should move north to be next to the cooking station and ready to serve the soup once it's done.

Here's the plan:

Agent0 will stay in place, waiting for the soup to finish cooking.
Agent1 will move north to position themselves next to the cooking station.

NAME Agent0 ACTION stay
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 2.720!

Agent0 action: STAY
Agent1 action: NORTH
To maximize our efficiency and ensure we can serve the soup as soon as it's ready, Agent1 should move north to place the plate next to the cooking station and Agent0 can pick it up to serve the soup. Here's the plan:

Agent1 will move north.
Agent0 will move west to pick up the plate.

NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION north

[Agent0 Response]:
To maximize our efficiency and ensure we can serve the soup as soon as it's ready, Agent1 should move north to place the plate next to the cooking station and Agent0 can pick it up to serve the soup. Here's the plan:

Agent1 will move north.
Agent0 will move west to pick up the plate.

NAME Agent0 ACTION west
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 2.895!

Agent0 action: WEST
Agent1 action: NORTH
To continue our efficient teamwork and serve the cooked soup, we should have Agent1 move east to place the plate while Agent0 do noting this time. Here's the plan:

Agent1 will move east to place the plate.
Agent0 will stay to wait for Agent1 to place the plate.

NAME Agent0 ACTION stay
NAME Agent1 ACTION east

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue our efficient teamwork and serve the cooked soup, we should have Agent1 move east to place the plate while Agent0 do noting this time. Here's the plan:

Agent1 will move east to place the plate.
Agent0 will stay to wait for Agent1 to place the plate.

NAME Agent0 ACTION stay
NAME Agent1 ACTION east
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 2.452!

Agent0 action: STAY
Agent1 action: EAST
To continue our efficient teamwork and serve the cooked soup, Agent1 should do nothing because the soup is cooked. Meanwhile, Agent0 should pick up the dish to delivery the soup. Here's the plan:

Agent1 will stay.
Agent0 will interact to pick up the dish to delivery the soup.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue our efficient teamwork and serve the cooked soup, Agent1 should do nothing because the soup is cooked. Meanwhile, Agent0 should pick up the dish to delivery the soup. Here's the plan:

Agent1 will stay.
Agent0 will interact to pick up the dish to delivery the soup.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is -0.561!

To maximize our efficiency and score, Agent1 should deliver the plate on the table, and Agent0 should wait this step. Here's the updated plan:

Agent1 will use the interact action to deliver the plate on the table.
Agent0 will stay to wait for Agent1 to deliver the plate.

NAME Agent0 ACTION stay
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact

[Agent1 Response]:
To continue our efficient teamwork and serve the cooked soup, Agent1 should do nothing because the soup is cooked. Meanwhile, Agent0 should pick up the dish to delivery the soup. Here's the plan:

Agent1 will stay.
Agent0 will interact to pick up the dish to delivery the soup.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION stay
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is -0.561!

[Agent1 Response]:
To maximize our efficiency and score, Agent1 should deliver the plate on the table, and Agent0 should wait this step. Here's the updated plan:

Agent1 will use the interact action to deliver the plate on the table.
Agent0 will stay to wait for Agent1 to deliver the plate.

NAME Agent0 ACTION stay
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent1's plan is 3.176!

Agent0 action: STAY
Agent1 action: INTERACT
To continue our progress, Agent0 should now pick up a plate to prepare for the next batch of soup, while Agent1 should pick up an onion. Here's the plan:

Agent1 will move south to pick up an onion from the nearest onion location.
Agent0 will interact to pick up a plate from the nearest plate location.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue our progress, Agent0 should now pick up a plate to prepare for the next batch of soup, while Agent1 should pick up an onion. Here's the plan:

Agent1 will move south to pick up an onion from the nearest onion location.
Agent0 will interact to pick up a plate from the nearest plate location.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION south
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 2.792!

Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: SOUTH
To maximize our efficiency and continue our progress, Agent0 should serve the cooked soup to the service desk, while Agent1 should pick up an onion to start preparing for the next batch of soup. Here's the plan:

Agent0 will move east to the service desk and interact with it to serve the cooked soup.
Agent1 will interact with the onion to pick it up.

NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact

[Agent0 Response]:
To maximize our efficiency and continue our progress, Agent0 should serve the cooked soup to the service desk, while Agent1 should pick up an onion to start preparing for the next batch of soup. Here's the plan:

Agent0 will move east to the service desk and interact with it to serve the cooked soup.
Agent1 will interact with the onion to pick it up.

NAME Agent0 ACTION east
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 2.643!

Agent0 action: EAST
Agent1 action: INTERACT
To continue our progress efficiently, Agent0 should now interact with the service desk to deliver the cooked soup, while Agent1 should move towards the cooking station to be ready to place the onion for the next batch of soup. Here's the plan:

Agent0 will interact with the service desk to deliver the cooked soup.
Agent1 will move north to be next to the cooking station.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue our progress efficiently, Agent0 should now interact with the service desk to deliver the cooked soup, while Agent1 should move towards the cooking station to be ready to place the onion for the next batch of soup. Here's the plan:

Agent0 will interact with the service desk to deliver the cooked soup.
Agent1 will move north to be next to the cooking station.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 2.187!

Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: NORTH
To continue our progress efficiently, Agent0 should move north to overcook the soup while Agent1 should interact with the cooking station to start cooking the next batch of soup. Here's the plan:

Agent0 will move west to be next to the onion.
Agent1 will interact with the cooking station to place the onion on it.

NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue our progress efficiently, Agent0 should move north to overcook the soup while Agent1 should interact with the cooking station to start cooking the next batch of soup. Here's the plan:

Agent0 will move west to be next to the onion.
Agent1 will interact with the cooking station to place the onion on it.

NAME Agent0 ACTION north
NAME Agent1 ACTION interact
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 0.000!

Agent0 action: NORTH
Agent1 action: INTERACT
To continue our progress efficiently, Agent0 should deliver the soup to the service desk while Agent1 should pick up an onion to prepare for the next batch of soup. Here's the plan:

Agent0 will move south to reach the service desk and then interact to deliver the soup.
Agent1 will move west to pick up an onion.

NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION west

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue our progress efficiently, Agent0 should deliver the soup to the service desk while Agent1 should pick up an onion to prepare for the next batch of soup. Here's the plan:

Agent0 will move south to reach the service desk and then interact to deliver the soup.
Agent1 will move west to pick up an onion.

NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 0.000!

Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: WEST
To continue our progress efficiently, Agent0 should deliver the soup to the service desk while Agent1 should pick up an onion to prepare for the next batch of soup. Here's the plan:

Agent0 will move south to reach the service desk and then interact to deliver the soup.
Agent1 will move north to pick up an onion.

NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION north

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue our progress efficiently, Agent0 should deliver the soup to the service desk while Agent1 should pick up an onion to prepare for the next batch of soup. Here's the plan:

Agent0 will move south to reach the service desk and then interact to deliver the soup.
Agent1 will move north to pick up an onion.

NAME Agent0 ACTION south
NAME Agent1 ACTION north
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 0.000!

Agent0 action: SOUTH
Agent1 action: NORTH
To continue our progress efficiently, Agent0 should deliver the soup to the service desk while Agent1 should pick up an onion to prepare for the next batch of soup. Here's the plan:

Agent0 will interact to deliver the soup.
Agent1 will move west to pick up an onion.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west

[Agent0 Response]:
To continue our progress efficiently, Agent0 should deliver the soup to the service desk while Agent1 should pick up an onion to prepare for the next batch of soup. Here's the plan:

Agent0 will interact to deliver the soup.
Agent1 will move west to pick up an onion.

NAME Agent0 ACTION interact
NAME Agent1 ACTION west
[Evaluation Score]:
The advantage score of Agent0's plan is 3.309!

Agent0 action: INTERACT
Agent1 action: WEST